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1 in 10 adults suffer from depression.

"You break an arm and everyone comes running, but you get depressed and no one is to be found." 





 Fight hate with love.

The Purpose

Fight Depression with Love.

Depression awareness is one of the least talked about, yet most common illness suffered from today. Depression is a scary thing, but so is cancer; however, cancer information is made accessible and into a positive “you can” spirit, while depression is whispered about IF talked about. If someone breaks an arm or has cancer, everyone comes running. But if someone has depression people stay away like the plague. “Depression” as a topic is handled the way “safe sex” used to be handled—the “don’t talk about it and it wont happen” philosophy. Well we saw where that went! Pregnancy and STD statistics skyrocketed because the public was not being properly informed. That is how depression is being handled today. 


Depression is a real issue and one that people feel ashamed to admit to dealing with. It affects more people than you think (1 in 10 adults) and unless positive resources and information are made readily available, it will have the ability to overcome the hope of those who suffer from it. 


This website is to help provide support, answers, and love to those dealing with depression.



Why is it important to be Aware?

Project Love is dedicated to shining the light of love to everyone. Depression is hate-- it is the devil. So why not fight hate with love?



"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think only about these things." Phil 4:8 


Encouragment is key in acheiving anything. Today, it is easy to get caught up in minute and irrelevant unbenounced competition with others who are not even aware they are apart of it. Competition IS comparison. You are compared to others and the "best" candidate "wins." Evidently comparison is the root of most "down" moods. FaceBook newsfeeds and Instragram posts disply "highlight reels" which you then compare to your bad times.


I encourge YOU to

stop comparing, and

start encouraging.

Start loving


 Comparison is the theif of joy.

The Pledge

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  • Do what you can to encourage and uplift others.


  • Keep them in a positive mindset in the midst of terrible situations.


  • Remind them that God works all things together for good for those who love him (Rom. 8:28).




God will never leave you-- His arms are always open for you to run into.




"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matt. 11:28

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